Friday, December 30, 2011

How do I know if Middle Years IB is right for my child?

At Sullivan, we've created an MYP-IB program for all of our students. We believe that the organization of the program supports every level of learner. All of our students learn a second language each year, explore international-mindedness and strive to exemplify the 10 Learner Profile Qualities.

This program fits particularly well for students who:
  • are interested in connections between subject areas
  • want to know more about the world
  • wish to make a difference through community and service
  • strive to balance academics, arts and physical activities
  • need organizational, study and communication habits

Come find out more about our program during our Open Houses on January 23 and February 13, 2012 from 6:00-7:30.

Monday, February 7, 2011

School of Choice

Sullivan Middle School is the only middle school of choice for Rock Hill School District. Students who are NOT zoned for Sullivan may apply (between January 21 and February 29, 2012) to be enrolled. Please note that if you are already in our zone, you need not apply. The link to the on-line application is here.

MYP-IB is a great fit for many types of students! It's not "just for gifted students." The Middle Years Programme seeks to help students make connections between subject areas and develop the Learner Profile Qualities that are at the basis of all IB programs. Students will be challenged to be open-minded, reflective, caring, balanced, risk-takers, inquirers, knowledgeable, communicators, principled, and thinkers. Students will take a semester of a second language (either French or Spanish) every year. They will learn ways to strengthen their learning through Approaches to Learning.

Our two School of Choice Open House dates are Monday, January 23 and Monday, February 13 from 6:00-7:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served. The night will conclude with tours of the school. Call Mrs. Chris McLean at 803/981-1474 or e-mail her at for more information.